Sunday 31 March 2013

Day Before: Packing ourselves

A collection of clothing designed to both hide my shame and hopefully to also keep me warm, a pair of dunlop volleys that will carry me across the cobble stone streets of the various villages we will venture into, mozzi net to avoid being molested by insects as I sleep.................... The list goes on. As we begin to prepare our belongings for packing the excitement is truly beginning to stir, the butterflies in my stomach have become rabid, probably something to do with the amount of rabies vaccine that has been introduced to my body lately. Niki is organising her portable chemist, colour coding and alphabetising no doubt. This is what the past months life restructure has amounted to. Our lives, everything that we think we will need to survive the next year, have been reduced to this, 2 packs worth of essentials.

Nikis Bits : super over it... just get me on the freakin plane!

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